To be married with someone you really love in a very special way should be a special event and held in a very exotic place. Which is why many couples have been choosing Bali as their place to get married. It has romance, mysticism and a unique culture.

So, my 4th brother said that he would come to Bali on 8 to 11 October for a wedding occasion since he's a member of an event organizer in my hometown. He asked me to help him and his team (as a volunteer). Actually I don't really interested in it. I thought it will be more way better if I waste my time at home, sleep all day long, or hang out with friends, just like usual. But, my mom and dad forced me that I couldn't refuse anymore.
However, that short 2 days has given me a million experiences and excitements. I'll never regret to be a part of the gorgeous wedding. With lullaby nite as the concept, blue as the main color, and white lily all around, I totally loved it! I got some pictures below from Facebook. Credit belongs to Majestic event organizer and PPF photography.